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Q: What percent of the earth's crust is composed of potassium?
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What is the composition on earths crust?

The Crust is in solid form of matter. It is the earth's hard outer shell which is composed of silicon, aluminum, calcium, sodium and potassium.

Is The earth's crust is composed of layers of rock?

Yes, the earths crust is composed of layers of rock

What are some uses for potassium?

its found in the earths crust.

About 75 by mass of Earth's crust is composed of what two elements?

About 75 percent of the weight of the Earth's crust is made up of Oxygen and Silicon. The remaining percentage is composed of Aluminum, Iron, Calcium, Sodium, Potassium, and Magnesium.

What does the earths crust have?

it is composed of igneous sedimentry and metamorphic

What percent of Earths crust do silicates make up?

silicon percent abundance in earths crust poops

What percent of earths crust is frozen?

About 2%.

What is the earths under crust surrounded by?

Earths under crust surrounded by Upper Mantle (35-60 km) .The mantle is composed of sillicate rocks that are rich in iron and magnesium relative to the overlying crust.

What is the percent by volume of potassium in the crust?

It is around 21/2 %, by weight.

What makes close to 95 percent of the rocks of earths crust?

Silicates make up close to 95 percent of the rocks in the Earth's crust

Which layer of the earth is 1 percent of the earth's mass?

The Earths crust.

What is the rocky outer layer of of the earth?

The Crust is the earth's hard outer shell which is composed of silicon, aluminum, calcium, sodium and potassium.