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Q: What percent of the people who use cocaine for the first time get addicted to it after their first try?
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How many time can you sniff crack cocaine if addictive?

I don't understand what you are asking, but crack cocaine is not snorted. Regular cocaine can be snorted, but not crack cocaine. Crack is smoked.

What happens to your education when you take cocaine?

you first get addicted to it then you get crazy plus if your in school just don't take it I'm serious

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Yes it did have nicotine that is why people get addicted to it

Does cocaine show up in baby first stool if the baby was conceived when the father was using?

No, but if the mother was using during pregnancy the baby will be addicted to cocaine. If the mother is still using and breastfeeding she is also giving her baby drugs. This is child abuse.

How easy is it to get addicted to marijuana?

Extremely easy. Some people get addicted their first time smoking it. Where as others usually get addicted their third or fourth time. Quitting is the hardest part though. It can take years to stop and some people never can, no matter how hard they try.

Can someon become addicted to crystal meth the first time it is used?

can someone become addicted to crystal methamphetamine the first time it is used?

Do you get addicted to meth right away?

You mean, do you become addicted to it the first time you use it? No, that is absolutely, 100% false. Unlike alcohol and opiates, speed (amphetamines and methamphetamines), as well as cocaine and benzodiazepines (Xanax and Valium) are not physically addictive, meaning that a round-the-clock user will not suffer physical withdrawal symptoms if they suddenly quit. They won't get sick, the way an alcoholic or a heroin addict gets sick when they suddenly stop using. Speed, cocaine, and benzodiazepines are not physically addictive, but they have a high potential for psychological addiction. When someone uses these drugs on a regular basis, they build up a tolerance to them. They are so accustomed to being on the drug, that they actually feel normal when they are on it, and they feel distinctly abnormal if they stop. They feel as though something is missing from their brain when they stop using. When you are psychologically addicted to a drug, the craving to do it is constant and almost irresistible. Doing meth once will not create a psychological addiction. In order to become psychologically addicted to speed (or cocaine), you need to do it at least once a week for a couple of months. However, drug use is a slippery slope. You may think that, since you can't get addicted to meth from doing it once, that it is safe to use. That is not true. Chances are, you will love the way it feels, and you will be strongly tempted to do it again. And again. And again. And before you know it, you are addicted. There are some people who are able to use hard drugs (cocaine, speed, heroin) without getting addicted, but for most people, doing just a little bit, every once in awhile, just isn't feasible.

Did the original Coca-Cola have cocaine in it?

YES!!! Cocaine WAS an ingredient in the original Coca-Cola when it was first introduced to the public. (This was many, many years ago) Cocaine was present in minute, trace amounts. However, it was enough for people to become "addicted" to Coca-Cola. Cocaine was soon removed as an ingredient.

How long has cocaine been a round for?

For thousands of years South American Indigenous people have chewed on coca, which contains cocaine alkaloid, but it was first reported and written down by Nicholás Monardes in 1569.Isolation of cocaine alkaloid was not achieved until 1855.

How many does codeine kill a year?

OK first the question is how many PEOPLE does cocaine kill a year ? the answer to that is 10 people each minute

What can show up as cocaine in a babies first stool if the mother has never been a user of cocaine?

The mother has been a user of cocaine

Do people use cocaine alone?

Oftentimes, yes. The first signs of drug abuse can include social and/or family isolation.