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Water has 66.7% hydrogen according to atoms and 11.1% hydrogen according to weight.

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Rizdek D

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1y ago
The question isn't asking how much of water is hydrogen, but rather how much of the earth's hydrogen is bound up in water vs with other molecules or as free hydrogen.
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13y ago

About 74% by mass. I can't find a number fraction for the universe as a whole, but about just about 91 out of every 100 atoms in the solar system are hydrogen... the figure for the universe as a whole is probably slightly higher, maybe around 95 out of every 100.

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13y ago

The Sun is comprised of about 73.46% hydrogen.

That figure will be true for quite a while, even when it is using about 6,000 tons per second!

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Q: What percent of the sun is made of hydrogen?
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Hydrogen gas is the predominant element of the sun, accounting for some 74% of its mass, and 92% of its volume.

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71.0 % of the Sun's mass is Hydrogen.

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The sun is made of mostly Hydrogen and Helium

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The sun is mostly made of hydrogen and helium.

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The sun is made mostly of superheated hydrogen and helium.

Is the sun made up of any hydrogen?

Yes, about 73% of the Sun is believed to be hydrogen.

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hydrogen (75%) and helium (25%), roughly yes, but to be more precise: The sun consists of 71 % Hydrogen, 27 % Helium, 1 % Oxygen and the last percent is made of Carbon, Nitrogen, Silicon, Magnesium, Neon, Iron and Sulfur.

What is the makeup of the sun?

The sun consists of 71 % Hydrogen, 27 % Helium, 1 % Oxygen and the last percent is made of Carbon, Nitrogen, Silicon, Magnesium, Neon, Iron and Sulfur.

Which element makes up more than 70 percent of the sun?

Hydrogen is 71% of the sun.