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Over half of the nation's wetlands have been destroyed since the western advancement of the 1600's. ~100,000,000 acres have been lost. See (

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Q: What percent of wetlands in the US have been destroyed?
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Related questions

Where in the US is there wetlands?

Most wetlands are in Louisiana. Some appear in Florida.

Why are wetlands important to fishermen in the US?

wetlands breed insects eaten by fish.

What state has wetlands in the US?

I know that Texas has wetlands. They are on the coast. Some other states might also have wetlands though.

What would happen to wetlands if they were destroyed?

The scarring from excavation would do a number on the land itself. Also, the plant life would grow back by the next warm season. If you want a better answer, ask a more specific question that outlines the methods used to remove plant life, etc. You are essentially asking what would happen if all of the hair on your body was shaved off at once. It would grow back and eventually look just the same as before. Try to shave and let us know how it goes.

Where are wetlands found in the US?

the Grand Canyon

What are some MAJOR Wetlands in the US?

ponds and swamps.

What are the Gang rates in the US?

THEY have been up 25 percent.

Are beavers in AL US wetlands endangered?

No. They are common there today.

What is the main objective of the wetlands project?

to troll us all

Why do people want to save wetlands such as swamps and marshes?

it is because wetlands are useful because their proved us with fish and some are tourist attraction.

Which of the following helped US became a superpower after world war?

The U.S. economy had not been destroyed by fighting during WW2.

How does wetlands help us?

Hope this helps! wetlands..... purify water, protect from flooding, provide habitats for animals, and soak up flood water.