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almost 40% of the world whaling develops in Japan. is a shame

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Q: What percent of whaling came from Japan?
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Where is whaling done in Japan?

It is done in the outskirts of japan

Who does most of the whaling in the world?


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What country are invold in whaling?


Who are the people that do whaling?

ppl in china and japan

Why is whaling important for Japan?

It isn't. Whaling in Japan exists purely for selfish reasons, such as luxury whale meat in top restaurants. Whaling is illegal by international law. So Japan are breaking the law. Iceland is also a whaling country. When Iceland made an application to join the European Union, they were rejected, purely because they allow whaling and Europe doesn't want to be associated with such illegal activity. Dozens of species of whales are on the brink of extinction because of whalers. There are many organisations trying to protect whales from Japanese whalers, such as Sea Shepherd and Greenpeace - who often attack Japanese whaling ships with smoke bombs, paint grenades and water cannons. The government of Chile even threatened to sink the Japanese whaling ships if they came near Chilean waters.

What companies are from Japan?

you can associate whaling foresting and fisheries

Who is whaling?

iceland, Greenland, Norway, Denmark, Japan.

Who are Japan's import partners?

southern whaling company

What is the protection of the polar lands?

Not letting japan do whaling

Does Japan's economy depend on whaling?

only 7

Why people go whaling if its illegal?

While whaling was banned by the International Whaling Commission in 1986, it is legal to kill whales for scientific purposes in some countries, such as Japan.