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Q: What percentage of Earth's atmosphere does oxygen take up?
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What process provides most of the oxygen found in earths atmosphere?

Growing more trees as trees take in carbon dioxide and releases oxygen that we use for breathing. So. I guess Afforestation provides most of the oxygen found in the earths atmosphere.

What causes all of the changes that take place in earths atmosphere?

what causes all of the changes that take place in earths atmosphere is the tilt of the earths axis

How does the percentage of carbon dioxide and oxygen stay roughly the same in your atmosphere?

It is because plants take in carbon dioxide and breathe out Oxygen whereas, man and animals breathe in oxygen and breathe out carbon dioxide. This cycle of life maintaines a roughly same percentage of O2 and CO2 in the atmosphere.

How is the oxygen in the atmosphere replaced?

Through oxygen cycle. Humans and animals take in oxygen and give out carbon dioxide. Plants take in carbon dioxide and give out oxygen. This ways the oxygen is circulated in the atmosphere.

Where does condensation take place in water cycle?

It takes place on Earths atmosphere =)

Where does condensation in the water cycle take place?

It takes place on Earths atmosphere =)

How much of the atmosphere does oxygen take up?


What does not take place in earths atmosphere?

Black holes, super novas, and lots of other stuff

What does it take for aluminum to break down?

it takes the heat of a meteorite coming through the earths atmosphere

How did the oxygen in your atmosphere get there?

The way the oxygen got into our atmosphere is when the green plants do photosynthesis. Green plants take in carbon dioxide, sunlight, and water to make glucose and of course oxygen. After a while, the plants did enough photosynthesis that the earth got an atmosphere .

How did lots of oxygen then get into the atmosphere?

Plants They take in carbon dioxide Then keep the carbon to grow and give out oxygen

What percentage of oxygen can be found in air?

78% Nitrogen 20.5% Oxygen .5% Argon 1% Others for small calculations we take percentage of oxygen in air as 21%