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Q: What percentage of Hitler's budget was for concentration camps?
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Why are hitlers camps called concentration camps?

There where multiple concentrstion camps during the holocaust. The fisrt concentration camp was called Dachau Concentration camp. It is the only camp which operated from March 1933- May 1945 Just over 12 Years.

What were Holocaust concentration?

There were concentration camps in the Holocaust. The concentration camps were basically work/death camps.

What were concentration?

There were concentration camps in the Holocaust. The concentration camps were basically work/death camps.

What made Hitler and hitlers youth do what they did?

Fear. When people did not obey the orders of the 3rd Reich, they were often arrested, tortured, and/or sent to work houses or concentration camps.

What happens to the children in school?

well if you are talking about the Jewish during hitlers time, then most of them were sent to concentration camps and cramped in tiny, little rooms, with many other famillies and were killed sooner or later, under hitlers orders.

What were suana's used for in concentration camps?

There were no saunas in concentration camps.

What were examples of concentration camps?

what are some examples of concentration camps?

How did the German feel about Jew?

At the time of the holocaust, the Germans believed (under hitlers rule) that they were just wasting all of their resources and money so that they should be exterminated in concentration camps.

Why did they called it concentration camps instead of death camps?

All camps were technically concentration camps, generally the extermination camps were called 'death camps'.

Was their any concentration camps in Arizona?

yes there was concentration camps in Arizona

What was the number of the major concentration camps?

Their was 20 major concentration camps.

What if you had concentration camps today?

There are concentration camps today (in North Korea).