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60% of a dog weight is water.

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Q: What percentage of a dogs body is made of water?
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What percentage of our body is made of water?

We are approximately 98% water !

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What has a higher percentage blood or water in the body?

Water As blood is made from water and blood cells.

Which nutrient comprises the largest percetage of the body's composition?

The nutrient comprises the largest percentage of the body's composition is water. The body is made up of over 60 percent of water.

Approximately what percentage of the body is made up of water?

In an infant it's 80%, in an adult it's 70%

Why can't human beings live without water?

Humans need water to survive because it provides hydration to the body and organs.

What are dogs made of?

Dogs are made of brain,bones,musles,and the rest of the body parts.

What percentage of the human body is made up of water?

55% women 60% men Less if fat

What percentage of your body is liquid?

For an average man that weighs 70 kilograms, 57% of its total body weight is composed of water. Though there is no exact percentage to all human bodies as all humans have different body weigh and so studies uses the average weight to compute the percentage of water within an average person's body.

Why is water needed for life?

Liquid water is vital as it enables your body to keep at a sustainable working pace, and keeps you hydrated as most life is mainly water. your body is made up of 80% water therefore you need to maintain that percentage.

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How many water is in a human body?

it is about 60 percent for a human body of water