

What percentage of alcohol does any kind of beer contain?

Updated: 8/18/2019
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13y ago

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I believe 5 percent by volume

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Q: What percentage of alcohol does any kind of beer contain?
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How many grams of alcohol in a beer?

How many grams of alcohol are in a beer depend on what kind you are drinking as well as what the percentage of alcohol is. There might be 2 grams of alcohol, or much more than that.

What kind of alcohol effects the body the most?

The alcohol in beer, wine and liquor is the same kind and standard drinks of beer, wine and liquor have the same amount of alcohol (.6 oz). They are completely equal to a breathalyzer.

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It is considered a depressant.

What kind of liquor in beer?

Beer is a fermented product of grains such as barley and rice. The alcohol in beer is the same as other alcoholic beverages; it is ethanol.

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All alcoholic drinks contain the same kind of alcohol: ethanol (C6H5OH). It is the amount of alcohol in the drink that matters, not what kind of drink.

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It depends on what kind of beer you get. Some do have some frutose.

Does mouthwash expire?

It depends on what kind of mouthwash it is. Non-alcohol? Or alcohol? Non-alcohol does expire. Mouthwash with alcohol in it expires too. I have Listerine and it has an expiration date on it, and it does contain alcohol.

Is root beer a kind of beer?

i think its because its fermented just like beer is but root beer doesn't have alcohol It originated from the chikoree root and was stored in barrels the same way beer was stored it did ferment a little for the sugar to settle but would sour quickly if untouched and back then it wasnt carbonated like it is today.

How much alcohol does budwieser have in it?

You did not state what kind of Budweiser. Most American beers contain between 3.2 and 6% alcohol by volume.

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Substances which increase urination are called diuretics. The following foods are all diuretics: Foods which are high in water: e.g, watermelon, cucumber etc. Foods which contain caffine: e.g. coffee, tea etc. Foods which contain alcohol: e.g. Beer, wine etc.

What kind of drink is Corona Light?

Corona light is a beer from Mexico that export to the United States and has a 4.5% alcohol. The company was founded in 1925. The company also makes many variations of beer.

Is it okay for preachers to drink beer?

yes Actually, that depends entirely on the preacher's religion. Some religions prohibit alcohol of any kind.