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According to US Energy Information Administration data for 2009, geothermal energy (based on electricity net generation kilowatthour billion figures) accounted for 3.58% of total renewable electricity generated in the USA in 2009 and just 0.38% of total electricity generated in 2009. All renewable sources (mostly sourced from hydroelectric, geothermal and wind) accounted for 10.7% of total electricity generated.

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Q: What percentage of energy is produced by geothermal energy in the US?
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Related questions

What percentage of Geothermal energy contributes to the US?

Less than 0.05% of american's energy is geothermal

Most energy produced in the US comes from and?

I think most energy used up in US are hydro, geothermal and wind energy.

What percentage of the US uses geothermal energy?

even though it is efficient it is about 1%

What is the total percent of geothermal energy?

In the US for 2006 electricity production, geothermal produced 0.30 percent. I do not have world figures

What is the US geothermal energy use?

The primary use of geothermal energy is in the agricultural industry. This type of energy is the primary source of heat in greenhouses.

Does the US use the most geothermal energy?

yes they do use the most geothermal energy.

What country uses the most geothermal power?

The US generates the most geothermal energy in the world.

How much geothermal energy does the US use?

not much

How can geothermal energy help us?

to make electricity

What percent of the US' energy is from geothermal in 2010?


How much geothermal energy does US produce?


What percent of the United States' energy is from geothermal?

Geothermal electricity production in the US was 0.30 percent in 2006