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Q: What percentage of hip fractures in men and women are due to osteoporosis?
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What is caused by the progressive loss of bone density?

Osteoporosis is a condition where one experiences a loss in bone density. It is most commonly found in older women. Due to the loss in density, bones are more prone to fractures.

Why is osteoporosis linked to fractures in older adults?

Because over the years these old people, have weaker bones due to lack of calcium in their diet.

What sex is more at risk for fractures?

Up to the age of 50, more men suffer from fractures than women due to occupational hazards. However, after the age of 50, women are more prone to fractures than men

What is L3 compression fracture?

its the fracture of the lumbar spine at the level of the lower back above the sacral spine its caused by sitting or falling down on your back people with osteoporosis have fractures of the lower back easier due to their bones being brittle.

What to Expect From Osteoporosis Treatment?

Osteoporosis is a condition in which bone density decreases, which causes bones to become weak and fragile. Bones may break due to minor injury that usually would not cause a break in a person with sturdier bones. Bone fractures due to osteoporosis can occur in almost any bone in the human skeleton. There are numerous recommended precautions used to prevent the onset of osteoporosis. Therapy and medication are used to treat the condition. Prevention It is recommended that everyone, especially women, consume the recommended daily amount of calcium. Some people, particularly women, also take calcium supplements. Daily exercise, such as walking, may increase muscle strength and coordination, which may reduce the risk of injury from falls. Smoking may lead to loss of bone mass, so quitting smoking may help to reduce the risk of developing osteoporosis. Early detection of osteoporosis can prevent further bone loss. Bone density testing is used to determine if a person is at risk for osteoporosis or if a person has developed osteoporosis. Bone density testing is recommended for: --Postmenopausal women under 65 that have osteoporosis risk factors --Women aged 65+ --Women with medical conditions that may cause osteoporosis --Postmenopausal women who have bone fractures Treatment Plans The function of prescribed medications for osteoporosis is to increase the strength of bones and to stop bone loss. The most popular medications used to treat osteoporosis are Fosamax, Evista, Actonel, Calcimar, Reclast, and Boniva. Consult a doctor to learn more about medications and treatment. Never take any medication unless it is prescribed by a physician. Physical therapy programs may help to improve posture and balance. These programs may also help to build bone and muscle strength, which can reduce the risk of fracture due to falls. Some physicians may recommend hormone therapy, in which patients are given estrogen to help maintain healthy bone density. However, there are many concerns about the safety and the risks of using hormone therapy. Hormone therapy can increase a patient’s risk of blood clotting, certain types of cancer, and heart disease. For these reasons, hormone therapy is not generally considered to be a first-choice treatment plan.

How to Know What to Expect From Osteoporosis Treatment?

Osteoporosis is a condition in which bone density decreases, which causes bones to become weak and fragile. Bones may break due to minor injury that usually would not cause a break in a person with sturdier bones. Bone fractures due to osteoporosis can occur in almost any bone in the human skeleton. There are numerous recommended precautions used to prevent the onset of osteoporosis. Therapy and medication are used to treat the condition. Prevention It is recommended that everyone, especially women, consume the recommended daily amount of calcium. Some people, particularly women, also take calcium supplements. Daily exercise, such as walking, may increase muscle strength and coordination, which may reduce the risk of injury from falls. Smoking may lead to loss of bone mass, so quitting smoking may help to reduce the risk of developing osteoporosis. Early detection of osteoporosis can prevent further bone loss. Bone density testing is used to determine if a person is at risk for osteoporosis or if a person has developed osteoporosis. Bone density testing is recommended for: --Postmenopausal women under 65 that have osteoporosis risk factors --Women aged 65+ --Women with medical conditions that may cause osteoporosis --Postmenopausal women who have bone fractures Treatment Plans The function of prescribed medications for osteoporosis is to increase the strength of bones and to stop bone loss. The most popular medications used to treat osteoporosis are Fosamax, Evista, Actonel, Calcimar, Reclast, and Boniva. Consult a doctor to learn more about medications and treatment. Never take any medication unless it is prescribed by a physician. Physical therapy programs may help to improve posture and balance. These programs may also help to build bone and muscle strength, which can reduce the risk of fracture due to falls. Some physicians may recommend hormone therapy, in which patients are given estrogen to help maintain healthy bone density. However, there are many concerns about the safety and the risks of using hormone therapy. Hormone therapy can increase a patient’s risk of blood clotting, certain types of cancer, and heart disease. For these reasons, hormone therapy is not generally considered to be a first-choice treatment plan.

What is the primary reason why osteoporosis incidents in the US are expected to increase?

Osteoporosis is expected to increase due to longevity of the population.

What percentage of white men like black women?

There is no definitive percentage, however many white men find black women attractive but are often at odds with family or friends due to social stigma.

What age groups do fractures effect?

Fractures are slightly more common in children and adolescents than in young adults due to the levels and kinds of activities in which they engage. Fractures become more common in adults as they age

What is an illness due to lack of calcium in an older adult woman?


Guide To Osteoporosis?

In America, more than 10 million people have been diagnosed with osteoporosis. Osteoporosis is a serious disease that leads to porous, fragile bone. This disease can cause fractures in the spine, wrist, hips, feet, and other bones. Most people that have been diagnosed with osteoporosis did not experience any symptoms for a long time. The only symptoms that can occur are bone fractures. Consequently, people may not know they have this condition until they fracture a bone. So what causes osteoporosis? There are numerous risk factors for developing this condition such thin and small body frames, female gender, Caucasian or Asian race, family history of this condition, smoking, history of bone fractures, drinking too much alcohol, lack of exercise, calcium deficiency, poor nutrition, inflammation that develops because of certain diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, immobility due to a stroke or other health condition, hyperthyroidism, and lack of Vitamin D in the diet. Furthermore, some prescription medications can cause this condition like heparin or oral corticosteroids or anti-seizure medications. Treatment for osteoporosis involves increasing bone density and strength in order to prevent bone fractures. If you find out you have this condition early and you treat it, you will decrease your risk of bone fractures significantly. In addition, in order to treat this condition or prevent it, you need to make changes to your lifestyle like quitting smoking, exercising, drinking less alcohol, eating a healthy diet, taking Vitamin D and calcium supplements. This disease is also treated with prescription medications that stop bone loss and make the bones stronger. Some medications that are used to treat osteoporosis include Actonel, Fosamax, Boniva, Evista, Reclast, and Calcimar. If you do not have osteoporosis and you are 60 years old or older, you should have a bone density exam done, so consult with your doctor. Bone fractures can lead to disability, so it is very important that people visit their doctor’s and take care of themselves.

What is osteoporosis and who is most affected?

Older women are the most at risk due to a loss of certain hormones as they age. The condition is one where the bones become less dense making them brittle and easy to fracture.