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Horses should have a forage diet. mainly all of their diet should consist of hay, and grass. apples and carrots can be fed ocaisionaly. grains and supplements should be talked to a vet about, depending on your horse's conditions.

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Q: What percentage of horses diet should be forage?
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What percentage of a horses diet should be forage if he is a light work?

About 75 to 80 percent.

What is the forage to concentrate ratio for a broodmare in the 10th month of gestation?

There is no "forage to concentrate ratio" that must be adhered to. The basic rules of equine nutrition apply with the exception that there are certain nutrients that should be fed in higher quantities. All horses should be fed 1.5%-3% of their body weight in forage per day as necessary to maintain weight and energy levels. Horses do not require concentrate feed in general though for certain situations concentrates may be fed to provide increased energy for performance or breeding. The amount of concentrates in the diet should be kept to a minimum as increase in concentrate feeding is linked to an increase in the risk of colic. For pregnant mares who need supplemental nutrition for breeding or to compensate for less than good forage quality they should be fed a concentrate that is labelled for use in pregnant or lactating mares at a rate according to the label. This amount can vary quite a bit depending on the type and brand of concentrate feed being offered.

Is hay a grain?

A balanced diet of mainly hay with supplemental grain is better. A sedentary horse fed a good quality hay may not require grain but will benefit from the addition of free choice salt and mineral supplements.

Can horses eat cherrios?

Horses can eat Cheerios, however, they should not be a majority of the horse's diet. Cheerios and most cereals are safe for horses to eat. You should restrict your horse's intake of cereals and other treats to about a handful a day so that it not be detrimental to your horse's nutritional needs.

Do exercised horses need more protein?

Answer-Yes, horses that get more excersise should be fed more than others, just like human athletes have different diets. But you should always be carful with the feed amounts your horse gets, or he could colic. You should check with a vet before confirming your horses diet.

Related questions

What percentage of a horses diet should be forage if he is a light work?

About 75 to 80 percent.

Why are horses found in pastures?

Horses are found in pastures because they are forage animals. Grass is their primary diet, so people choose to keep them there where they can eat at will.

What are grasses and legumes considered in a horses diet?

Grasses and Legumes (hay) are considered "roughage" or "forage" they make up the most important part of a horse's diet. Note that legumes are very rich, and should not be a large part of the horses diet. Alfalfa and Clover are legumes, and too much rich food, like legumes, can cause life threatening stones in the horses stomach that require surgery to remove.

Should a horse eay only pellets and very little hay?

The best thing for horses is grass hay compared to cubes or pellets. Though I know horses who are doing fine on those things, horses digestive systems are meant to have that long stem forage pretty essential to their diet.

What should be present in the human diet in the highest percentage?

The highest percentage of your diet should be carbohydrates.

Is it true that when horses are on a diet they can only be fed carrots?

Absolutely not. A horse would most likely die from a diet of just carrots. Horses need forage (like grass or hay) daily to keep things flowing in their digestive tracks. Most if not all horses that aren't wild need a grain in their diet also for energy and weight. If a horse needs to be on a diet you simply cut their grain back

What does chaff do for a horse?

Chaff is a chopped mixture of hay and straw and it provides slightly easier chewing for older horses and the needed chew time for all horses. It can also be used to supplement a forage poor diet.

Do different horse breeds have different diets?

A horses diet is affected by the work it does and how much it is supposed to weigh. Breed has nothing to do with it. All horses need forage as the base of their diet, this would be hay or grass. A horse that is working in moderate level work or higher or that is a hard keeper would most likely need supplemental grain or pellets. Also a horse with certain health issues might require a specialized diet, but the horses breed truly does not affect what it should be fed.

Are horses on any kind of diet?

A horses diet should consist primarily of forages like grass or hay and minimal to no concentrates. For horses that require a specialized diet it's best to have a equine vet assist you.

How much feed do you feed a belgium horse?

Horses, regardless of their breed, require a minimum of 1% of their body weight in good quality forage per day and up to 3% of their body weight a day. This means that horses need a minimum of 10 lbs of forage for every 1000 lbs of body weight. Along with forage, a vitamin/mineral supplement designed to be fed along with the forage utilized needs to be fed when horses are on dried/conserved forages (hays/cubes) to provide a balanced nutrient profile. In horses who have a hard time maintaining weight or perform intense work, supplemental feeds may also be necessary and should be selected to provide balanced nutrition for the specific age and use of the horse to be fed. Supplemental feeds should be fed according to the product label or horse owners should consult an equine nutritionist to ensure that a balanced diet is being supplied.

What percentage of your diet should be vegetables?


What food should you give a working horse?

Hay (forage) and grain if they need it. Each horse's diet should fit them specifically based on their needs.