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8.2% of the deaths in WWII were Jewish Holocaust deaths

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Q: What percentage of people died of holocaust in th world war 2?
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How many Germans died as a result of the Holocaust?

I wonder if you are confusing the Holocaust with World War 2? Raul Hilberg estimates the total number of Germans killed in the Holocaust as at most 300.

What if there was no Holocaust?

If the Holocaust had never happened, the world would be a different place. The world may have been better, with less discrimination.

How many people died in World War 2 excluding the Holocaust?

62 million

Is there a Pie chart of how many died in the Holocaust and how many people live in the world?

7 mil

What percentage of Jews that went into concentration and extermination camps as a whole survived the Holocaust until after World War 2?

86%. The rest died of stupidity.

What percentage of French Jews were killed in World War 2?

9,000,000 people died in France during the Holocaust!!

How did people of the holocaust that died or locked up become victims of the holocaust?


What was the Holocaust's affect on Jewish people?

They died.

Numbers of Jewish people before World War 2 and after World War 2 in Germany?

over sixmillion Jews died in the holocaust

Did women fight in the Holocaust?

No one fought in the holocaust. People died in the holocaust. People killed people in the holocaust. There was no fighting by men or women....but jsut because there was no fighting, don't think it was peaceful.

How many people are estimated to have died during the Holocaust?

The amount of people that died during the holocaust was avout 12 million people. That is alot of people. frick

What religon most perished in the holocaust?

People of the Jewish faith died in the Holocaust. But the religion did not perish.