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About 3.5% of women and 2% of men over the course of a lifetime around the world will suffer from binge eating disorder. An estimated up to 1 in 5 will have at least one episode of binge eating in their life, though.

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Q: What percentage of people get binge eating?
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What is the diffition of binge eating?

Binge eating is a brief period or bout of excessive eating.

What is binge eating called?

It is called Binge Eating Disorder (BED).

Can you be born with binge eating?

No; binge eating is a learned beahviour it is not inate.

Which term describe an eating disorder that is characterized by binge eating?

An eating disorder with binge eating is bulimia nervosa.

Why do people fall into binge-eating habits?

to avoid dealing with diffcult emotions

How do you overcome binge eating?

By not eating

What describes why people typically fall into binge-eating habits?

People typically fall into binge-eating habits due to various factors such as emotional distress, stress, dieting, genetics, and psychological factors like low self-esteem or body image issues. Binge eating can be a coping mechanism to deal with emotions or as a result of restrictive eating patterns, leading to a cycle of overeating.

What is binge eating, and what is wrong with it?

Binge eating is when a person consumes too much food, typically known as overeating; the person will likely be unable to stop or cut-down their eating intake. Binge eating is a difficult disorder to combat, mainly because of the factors that caused the person to start eating so much. People should take necessary steps to stopping binge eating because the disorder will take control of their life, and may cause death.

What is a common result of extreme dieting by people with binge eating disorder?

death by starvation

Why people typically fall into binge eating habits?

to avoid dealing with diffcult emotions

What is the difference between bulimia nervosa and binge eating disorder?

Binge-eating disorder and bulimia nervosa are both associated with periods of excessive eating/compulsive overeating. The difference comes in withcompensatorybehaviour.Bulimics compensate for their binging by either purging (inducing vomiting, using laxatives ordiureticsor enemas) or by fasting (not eating) or by exercising excessively. Thus, bulimics are generally not overweight.People with binge-eating disorder do not compensate for their excessive eating by purging, fasting or exercise. For this reason, people with binge-eating disorder are almost always overweight.