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Q: What percentage of schools block websites?
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Why do schools block Proxy websites?

Schools block proxy websites because they do not want students to go on uneducational websites

Why do schools block websites that you can get info?

They block websites that would not be beneficial to their educational curriculum.

Is Twitter in school?

Schools block social networking websites.

School block sites?

I'm not exactly sure what your question is but in the US schools have the right to block any websites that they choose to block.

Are schools allowed to block religious websites?

Schools are allowed to block any websites they deem not needed in education. Since this is a secular government and the role of religion in schools is not part of education they would be allowed to block the site. This would especially true that they blocked all sites and just not particular sites. Otherwise that would be discrimination.

Why do some schools block websites?

It's all because of real world item trading.

Why do people think schools should not block websites?

people think that schools should not block websites cause they are one of the many that gets on inapropriate sites and have no respect for the schools. If they did they would not want to get on the blocked websites. now i agree that people should not block the ones that give good information but they should block they bad ones.

Why shouldn't schools block websites?

because when they want the student to research u have less placees to find what u r looking for

Why are there blocked websites at school?

Schools and other facilities block out websites for multiple reasons. The main reason is to keep the user focused on what they are meant to be doing, instead of playing games or chatting. Another reason is to block out sites that might be harmful or cause damage to their computers.

How do you get to a website when it's blocked?

You can't. It's blocked for a reason. Workplaces block particular websites to prevent employees wasting valuable company time. Schools and colleges block sites to prevent students being distracted from their learning. Internet security services sometimes block malicious websites known to infect computers with viruses, trojans, keyloggers and so on. Governments also block illegal websites. If the site is illegal and has been blocked, your government may be able to trace you trying to connect to it. Websites are blocked for a reason.

How can you get on mypace at school?

You probably can't. Most schools are smart enough to block websites like MySpace and Facebook or the kids would waste all their time on them.

Why do schools block websites?

Why Schools Block WebsitesSchools block websites for a variety of reasons. They block sites that they believe are inappropriate for students and ones that are illegal for students to view. They also block sites that distract students from the purpose of school, which is learning so they will be prepared for life after they graduate. While students might feel like the schools are mean and just want to make life more difficult for them, they really do it so that students will concentrate on learning, rather than playing games, getting on social sites, etc. In short, they do it because they care about students.