

How much does smell effect taste?

Updated: 8/11/2023
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13y ago

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not directly in any way, but what your brain takes as taste is in fact a combination of taste and smell. You can't really say that your brain just smelt something or just tasted something. So in effect, a fair bit. A friend of mine recently lost his sense of smell,from a head injury(assaulted at a nightclub)and it is total and permanent.His taste buds still work, but he says that eating is nowhere near as enjoyable as it was,and that fruit is now unpleasant.Taste and smell are part of the same system, the olfactory.

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M name is jahed i come to you from long way i likea de sexy ladys hahahaha

ok ok seriously this time

wahtever you do, is what shall be

famous quote from my county jajajajajjaja


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Q: How much does smell effect taste?
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How does holding your nose affect your taste?

Much of what you perceive as taste is actually smell, so when you have a stuffed up nose and can't smell anything you only "taste" what your taste buds are sensing. In that state you're actually getting a pretty good indication of the sensations you receive from just your taste buds without the help of your sense of smell. I've actually heard it from people who have lost their sense of smell that they would rather have lost their sense of taste.

Does skin color affect how much you smell?

No skin does not effect how you smell maybe you smell different from the body wash you wear.

How are the senses taste and smell different?

the sense of smell is, because if you cant smell then you cant taste

Can the foods you eat affect the smell and taste of your genitals?

The short answer is yes. It is dependent upon the person and what you eat. Also it is not the taste of the genitals, but what comes out that is affected. My experience has shown that by eating asparagus or pineapple has an effect on the taste. There may be other foods that affect the taste.

What effect does sight and smell have on taste?

Smell and taste are linked through the vomeronasal organ. No sense of smell would mean no taste because 'taste' is smell plus the ability to detect sweet, sour and salty on various parts of the tongue. Sight is more of a trigger for appetite and does not directly affect the ability to taste although some say that 'blind tasting' trains the senses to appreciate flavours. but smell isn't everything! there are millions of taste buds on your tongue that allow you to sence the texture and TASTE of the food. For more information go to the science buddies website (see related link).

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Does smoking cigarettes effect your taste buds?

It certainly reduces your sense of taste. Not sure how much of that is caused by effects on the tastebuds and how much on effects on smell.

What is the conclusion of does smell effect taste?

cheese is good and cookies hobo

What is dependent variable in the smell effect your sense of taste?

One direction

Does the ability to smell affect taste?

Yes. 75% of taste is contributed by smell. That's why when you're sick, you can't taste much.

What is the effect of smell in tasting pure substances?

What is being tasted is irrelevant. How is your sense of taste when you have a cold, or if you hold your nose? The great majoroty of what we perceive as taste is really smell.

How does your sense of taste effect your body?

If you could not taste, you could not smell. Scientists are currently testing a theory that smell and taste are connected to memories. Your taste lets you know what is dangerous to eat and what is not. For example, if you were eating bleach, your taste receptors would tell you to stop.

What effect does age have on your sensitivity to various smell?

Age will affect your sense of smell, taste and hearing. Age will decrease sensitivity of senses.

Which sense taste or smell is highly developted in humans?

the sense of smell is more developed than taste because most of the nuance in taste actually comes from smell. you can only taste three things salt, bitter, and sweet. the rest is your sense of smell which provides a much greater variety.

Do outside odors effect the sense of taste?

Sense of taste is largely affected by the sense of smell. So outside odors will positively or negatively affect the sense of taste.

Why do you taste or smell blood after coughing?

You don't taste or smell 'blood', your coughing may irritate your lungs and the irritation may have you taste what you think is blood. As for the smell, you could be smelling the flem. The flem gets that kind of smell after being to much of an irritant to your lungs or throat.

What causes water to get a petroleum taste and smell?

Water can get a petroleum taste and smell if there is a contamination of petroleum or its byproducts in the water source. This can occur due to oil spills, leaks from underground tanks, or industrial activities. The petroleum compounds can dissolve into the water, giving it a distinct taste and smell.