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Q: What percentage of the popular vote does a candidate need?
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What is popular vote?

The popularity of that candidate

What is the purpose of the state popular vote?

"Popular Vote" is the majority of a state's vote. If a candidate for president with the most popular votes in a state gets all of that state's electorial votes. An Example: More than half of Nevada's vote goes to candidate B than A, then Candidate B gets the electorial vote for Nevada which is five.

What is the purpose of the popular votes?

"Popular Vote" is the majority of a state's vote. If a candidate for president with the most popular votes in a state gets all of that state's electorial votes. An Example: More than half of Nevada's vote goes to candidate B than A, then Candidate B gets the electorial vote for Nevada which is five.

Which presidential candidate had the highest percent of votes since 1960?

The presidential candidate with the highest percentage of votes since 1960 is Richard Nixon in 1972. He won re-election with 60.7% of the popular vote, the highest percentage of any candidate since then.

How is it possible for a candidate to receive the majority of the popular vote and lose the electoral vote?


How does popular vote relate to electoral votes?

It is possible that a candidate could win the "national" popular vote total but lose the electoral vote total. However, the electoral vote of every state accurately reflects the popular vote within that state. A candidate could win the electoral votes in a large state such as California winning the state by a huge margin. However, the opposing candidate could win the electoral votes in other states because a majority of the voters in those states vote for the opposing candidate.

What does is mean to have a popular vote?

The popular vote is when the people vote for the president. in actuallity the people don't elect the president. the electorial college do. they win states with the popular vote then the delegates from those states vote for the candidate their state chooses.

Will candidate with most popular votes win office of the president?

It is possible that a candidate could win the "national" popular vote total but lose the electoral vote total. However, the electoral vote of every state accurately reflects the popular vote within that state. A candidate could win the electoral votes in a large state such as California winning the state by a huge margin. However, the opposing candidate could win the electoral votes in other states because a majority of the voters in those states vote for the opposing candidate.

What presidential candidate of 2008 won the popular vote?

Barack Obama.

The nomination of a party's candidate by popular vote is called?

direct primaries

Which socialist candidate ran in the election of 1912 winning 6 percent of the popular vote?

Eugene V. Debs was the Socialist candidate who ran in the election of 1912 and won 6 percent of the popular vote.

Why is it assumed that if a presidential candidate wins a states popular vote the candidate will receive the electoral votes?

The electors are committed to a certain candidate. Their vote is a matter of pubic record. It is not likely that they will contrary to their party.