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Its 85% in the u.s. so if you have 3 months you have to do 85%

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Q: What percentage of time will a prisoner serve on a misdemeanor sentence in Virginia?
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Use Misdemeanor in a sentence?

If you commit a crime when you are young it is considered a misdemeanor.

What happen if you get caught with weed in Virginia?

in Virginia, a first offense for possession of marijuana is an unclassified misdemeanor with a maximum 30 day jail sentence. A subsequent conviction for marijuana then becomes a class 1 misdemeanor and a class 1 misdeameanor carries up to 10 years in prison; fines of up to $2,500 they hurt you.

How can you use sentence in a sentence?

This is a sentence. A prisoner has to serve the sentence the judge gives him.

What is the maximum sentence for theft of property third degree misdemeanor in Alabama?

Regardless of the state a misdemeanor is a misdemeanor. A misdemeanor can be punished with NOT MORE than one year in jail.

Can you put the word misdemeanor in a sentence?

Attempting burglary is more of a misdemeanor than killing someone.

What is a sentence that has the word misdemeanor?

The vice president committed a misdemeanor.The misdemeanor cost the man a fine.

What is the term for a less serious crime punishable by a short jail sentence or fine?

A less serious crime that is punishable by short jail sentence or a small fine is called a misdemeanor. An example of a misdemeanor is driving while under a suspended license.

Use the word misdemeanor in a sentence?

He was charged with a misdemeanor when he was caught driving off without paying for his gas. A misdemeanor is a charge that is less than a felony.

What is a sentence using the word misdemeanor?

In measured praise of small-time misdemeanorinsurance.Second-degree driving while impaired is a gross misdemeanor.(misdemeanor-criminal defense)

What kind of sentence can a misdemeanor child abuse potentially carry in the state of Arkansas?

Misdemeanor child molestation by a parent

What are the sentencing for a misdemeanor assault in Georgia?

A misdemeanor offense, carries a maximum sentence of NOT MORE than one year in jail.

What is the maximum sentence for a level 3 misdemeanor conviction in nc?

A misdemeanor offense can be punished by NOT MORE than one year in jail.