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In period 5 of the Periodic Table of Elements, Xenon (Xe) is the supposedly the most stable according to the concept of Noble Gases.

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2d ago

Period 5 elements have up to 5 valence electrons. The element in period 5 with the most valence electrons is Bismuth, which has 5 valence electrons.

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6y ago

A good answer would actually be Iron. It has the highest binding energy. If the universe didn't expand Iron would be the only element around.

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11y ago

Group 18 (last column) on the periodic table of elements contains very stable gases (the noble gases). They are very stable because their outer shell is complete with 8 electrons.

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10y ago

Xenon, denoted as Xe, is the period five element that contains the most valence electrons. Each line is counted from left to right, with the highest number on the right hand side.

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10y ago

The Noble Gases, which include Helium (He), Neon (Ne), Argon (Ar), Krypton (Kr), Xenon (Xe), and Radon (Rn).

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6y ago

Helium (a noble gas) is the most stable element.

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The noble gases.

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This element is argon.

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Q: What period 5 element has the most valence electrons?
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What is the number of the prinicpal energy level in which valence electrons are found?

The principal energy level in which valence electrons are found is the highest energy level of an atom. Valence electrons are the electrons in the outermost energy level of an atom, which is also referred to as the valence shell.

Electrons that are held most loosely in an atom are called what?

Valence electrons are the electrons that are held most loosely in an atom. These electrons are involved in chemical bonding and determine the reactivity of an element.

Is valence electrons in the outer most orbital?

Yes, valence electrons are the electrons in the outermost energy level or orbital of an atom. These electrons are involved in determining the chemical properties of an element and its ability to bond with other atoms.

How many electrons does Ba has?

Valence electrons are electrons that are on the outside "shell." In Group (column) 1, there is only one valence electrons for each element. In Group (column) 2, there are two valence electrons. Group 13: 3 valence electrons Group 14: 4 valence electrons Group 15: 5 valence electrons Group 16: 6 valence electrons Group 17: 7 valence electrons Group 18: 8 valence electrons There is no Group 19, so this list is done. For the metals, each element will need to be mapped out utilizing the Bohr Diagram design or something of the like as valence electrons are difficult to define due to the grouping on the periodic table. The most valence electrons that can be in an outer shell is eight. Barium (Ba) is in Group (column) 2, and thus has only two valence electrons.

How many electrons are in a completed valence shell of most second period atoms when they combine with other atoms to become molecules?

Most second period atoms have four valence electrons when they combine with other atoms to form molecules.

Related questions

What is the number of valence electrons (number in the outer most energy level)?

The valence electrons are the outer most electrons and the principal energy level in which they belong will vary for element to element and generally corresponds to the period number in which the element is present

What is the number of the prinicpal energy level in which valence electrons are found?

The principal energy level in which valence electrons are found is the highest energy level of an atom. Valence electrons are the electrons in the outermost energy level of an atom, which is also referred to as the valence shell.

Electrons that are held most loosely in an atom are called what?

Valence electrons are the electrons that are held most loosely in an atom. These electrons are involved in chemical bonding and determine the reactivity of an element.

Pick the statement that is most likely to be true of an element with LOW electronegativity?

The valence electrons of the element are very shielded. The valence electrons are far from the nucleus.

How is an element's most likely oxidation state related to its valence electrons?

It indicates how many electrons are required to complete a full valence shell.

Why do most element have a characteristics valence?

Valency depends upon no of electrons in outer most shell the atoms have a specific no of electrons in valence shell so they have characteristic valence .(but transition metal violate this rule).

What is the magic number of electrons when you are bonding element?

The magic number of electrons for bonding is typically 8, known as the octet rule. This means that most atoms will gain, lose, or share electrons to achieve a stable electron configuration with 8 electrons in their outer shell, similar to the noble gases.

What element is nonreactive but only has 2 valence electrons?

The element that fits this description is helium. Helium is a noble gas with a full outer shell of 2 electrons, making it stable and nonreactive under normal conditions.

How many valence electrons are in TiO2?

The electronic configuration of Tin is [Kr]4d10 5s2p2. Valence electrons are the electrons on the outermost shell of the neutral atom. Since the outermost shell is the 5th one, we have 4 valence electrons (2 of s and 2 of p)

Which electrons interact to form chemical bonds?

The outer electrons, also known as the Valence electrons

What electrons of an element are responsible for reacting and bonding with other elements?

The "valence" electrons are responsible for chemical reactions and bonding. Valence electrons are found in the outer most orbital of the atom, farthest away from the nucleus.

What element had the fewest valence electrons?

hydrogenhydrogen------------------------------------------------------Put the following elements in order, with the element having the most valence electrons at the top of your list and the element with the fewest valence electrons at the bottom.NEONCHLORINESULFURNITROGENSILICONBORONCALCIUMSODIUM