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Mammoths lived from about 5 million years ago until about 3,700 years ago.* That falls into the geologic time periods of the Neogene (which was from about 23 to 2.5 million years ago) and the Quaternary (which was from 2.5 million years ago and continues today).

The epochs that the mammoths lived in are the Pliocene (which was from about 5.3 to 2.5 million years ago), the Pleistocene (which was from about 2.5 million to 12,000 years ago), and the Holocene (from 12,000 years ago through the present day).

*Most mammoths died out about 10,000 years ago. However, a few dwarf subspecies survived beyond that, the longest lasting one being dwarf woolly mammoths on Wrangel Island. These survived until approximately 1700 BC.

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Q: What period time did the wooly mammoth live?
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The most recent mammoth fossils are about 4,500 years old so it likely would have been somewhere shortly after this time.

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The wooly mammoth was a very big and wooly animal.It also was king of the mammals.

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No all the dinosaurs were dead by the time of the mammoth.

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everywhere that was below freezing, most of the time, i believe

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What animals lived in the quarternary time period?

saber-tooths,homo-sapiens,wooly mammoths,etc.

What type of plant did the mammoth eat?

The Colombian mammoth was a herbivore. The large animal ate gigantic fruit in the its time period such as the Osage-orange and the Honey locust.

What type of plants and animals would you find in the Quaternary time?

more dense forest was there....the quaternary period began 2.5 million years ago...the present day creatures are also included in it......the very old animals were wooly mammoth,columbian mammoth,mastodon...all were elephant like.....then bos primigenis,cododonta.....rhino like. then canis,wolf like. And arctodus simus which were bear like creatures.