

What personality he possesses?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: What personality he possesses?
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What is a character attribute?

A character attribute refers to a quality that a person possesses, such as funny personality or a kind heart.

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A pleasing personality refers to someone who possesses qualities that make them appealing, charming, and likable to others. This may include traits such as friendliness, positivity, good manners, and a welcoming demeanor that attracts people to them.

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"Its" is a possessive pronoun, used to show that something belongs to "it." "It's" is a contraction of "it is" or "it has." "Your" is a possessive pronoun, used to show that something belongs to "you." "You're" is a contraction of "you are."

What is a sentence for the word possesses?

He possesses a kind heart.A nation that possesses nuclear weapons may eventually use them.The demon supposedly possesses its victim and controls his actions.

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A magnetic personality refers to someone who possesses qualities that attract and captivate others. This may include traits such as charisma, confidence, and positive energy, making the person stand out in social situations and drawing others towards them. People with magnetic personalities often have a strong presence and can easily make connections with those around them.

How do you spell possessess?

The correct spelling is "possesses."

What is a sentence with the word possesses?

That man possesses nine houses in the United States.

How can you make a sentence with the work possesses?

The basketball team that possesses the ball is the offense.

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Ocean waves possess mechanical energy, which is a form of kinetic energy associated with the movement of the water molecules. This energy can be harnessed and converted into electricity through wave energy converters to generate power.

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Which State in India possesses the maximum percentage of SC population?

Punjab Possesses the max. no. of sc population