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Q: What pharmacologic activity do amphetamine phenylephrine and methedrine have in common?
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Will immitrex show up in a drug test as benzo barbit or narcotic?

No. Imitrex is a non-narcotic selective vasocontrictor that works on the 5-HT1 receptor (serotonin). In fact, Imitrex has no pharmacologic activity on benzodiazepine (GABA) receptors.

Is amphetamine a depressant hallucinogen or stimulant?

amphetamines are stimulants and this means a substance that raises levels of physiological or nervous activity in the body.

Why does ephedrine keep you alert?

Ephedrine is a stimulant. It is similar to amphetamine, which is also a stimulant. It increases the activity of the sympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for the "fight or flight" response.

What drugs that increase the chemical and electrical activity of the cns an make the user more alert active restless and in general more stimulated than normal?

Amphetamine and derivatives, caffeine, Concerta and Ritalin mainly.

What's the difference between methamphetamine & amphetamines?

Chemically, methamphetamine possesses an N-methyl group which amphetamine lacks; otherwise, the compounds are identical. This structural modification results in methamphetamine being a more powerful stimulant and euphoriant. However, methamphetamine is also more toxic than amphetamine. It should be noted that methamphetamine and amphetamine can exist as two distinct enantiomers (mirror image compounds). In amphetamine, both are active and have generally similar effects. However, the enantiomers of methamphetamine vastly differ in their pharmacological properties. The dextro (S) compound is a powerful centrally-acting stimulant, while levo (R) isomer has little CNS activity.

Does amphetamine dammage?

Prolonged amphetamine abuse or abuse in high doses can cause problems including: * Toxic psychosis * Physiological and behavioral disorders * Dizziness * Pounding heartbeat * Difficulty breathing * Mood or mental changes * Unusual tiredness or weakness * Cardiac arrhythmias * Repetitive motor activity * Convulsions, coma, and death * Ulcers * Malnutrition * Mental illness * Skin disorders * Vitamin deficiency * Flush or pale skin * Loss of coordination and physical collapse

What does psychostimulant mean?

Psycho = brain stimulate = to excite so it would mean to stimulate or excite the brain. Good examples would be methamphetamine, amphetamine, cocaine and the like. I suppose you could also qualify anti-depressants as psychostimulants because they enhance neurotransmitters, thus increasing brain activity.

Is weed a stimulant or narcotic?

No. Cannabis refers to the same plant as marijuana. There are several active chemicals in the marijuana plant, none of which have an amphetamine-like structure or activity. Amphetamines belong to a class of chemicals called Stimulants.

What activity is activity without oxygen?

"anaerobic" activity is activity without oxygen.

WHAT IS antagonistic activity?

Antagonist activity is the activity that is counter to the agonist or it can be viewed as an inhibitory activity. If pharmacology, the antagonist does not have any activity, but it blocks or inhibits the activity of the agonist.

What are the four levels of economic activity?

i believe that the levels of economic activity is 1.primary activity 2.secondary activity 3.tertiary activity 4.quaternary activity