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Q: What phase do chromosomes condense and form?
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What phase do chromasomes condense?

The chromosomes will condense during prophase.

What phase does the chromosomes condense into chromatids?


Is the first phase of mitosis in which chromosomes condense and spindle microtubules begin to form.?

the phase of mitosis when chromosimes are ligned in the middle of the cell

The phase of mitosis where the chromatin fibers duplicate and condense into visible chromosomes is the?

The phase of mitosis where the chromatin fibers duplicate and condense into visible chromosomes is Interphase. Interphase is the first stage of the cell cycle.

During which phase does the chromatin condense into chromosomes?

The chromosomes coil up and condense during prophase

Why do chromosomes become more visible during prophase?

Because the chromosomes seem to shorten and thicken prior to dividing, this makes them more visible.

During which phase do the chromatin fibers condense and shorten into chromosomes that are visible under the microscope?


What stage does chromatin condense to chromosomes?

During mitosis, chromosomes are in their most condensed form during metaphase

What does Chromatin condense of?

Chromatin can't "condense of" anything, chromatin can condense into Chromosomes.

The DNA and its associated proteins form?

In an area inside of the nucleus, called the nucleolus, Dna and its associated protiens wait until mitosis or mieosis to condense and form chromosomes.

In what stage of mitosis does the chromatin coil and condense to form deeply staining bodies?

The chromosomes condense during prophase, the first stage of both mitosis and meiosis.

Why does chromatin condense to form chromosomes?

Cells condense their chromatin into chromosomes only when cell division is occurring