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Q: What phobia is the fear of the word no?
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What phobia is the fear of fear?

We use the term phobophobia to name the fear of fear or of phobias. (The word phobia comes from the Greek for fear.)

What phobia is the fear of mingling at a party?

There is no perticular phobia word for that but there is "anthropophobia" fear of people and society, "enochlophobia" fear of crowds.

Is there a fear of farts?

Yes, there is a specific phobia known as "flatuphobia," which is the irrational fear of farting or flatulence. It can manifest as anxiety or embarrassment surrounding the act of passing gas in public or private settings.

What language does phobia originate from?

The word "phobia" originates from the Greek language. It comes from the Greek word "phobos," which means fear or aversion.

Is phobia an abstract noun?

Yes, the noun 'phobia' is an abstract noun, a word for fear, a word for an emotion.

What language does the word phobia come from?

Phobia comes from the Greek φόβος, phóbos, meaning fear or morbid fear.The language is Greek.

What is the fear of werewolves?

There is no specific word for this irrational phobia.

What is the word fear in long words?

Any irrational fear - and it MUST be irrational - is a phobia and will have a long word ending in ~phobia as its medical term. A fear of snakes is not a phobia, it's perfectly proper to be afraid of snakes, but to be afraid of them in a place where they don't exist, or are most unlikely to be found, would be a phobia.

What is the root word phobia?

The suffix -phobia refers to a fear of a certain object or concept. The prefix is dependent on what fear one is referring to. This website contains a large list of different phobias and their prefixes.

What does the prefix phobia mean?

The word "Phobia" comes from Phobos, the god of fear in Greek mythology.

What phobia is the fear of police?

Policophobia is the slang made for phobia of police. However, there is no official word for it.

What is the oddest Phobia?

Venustraphobia - Fear of beautiful women. Panphobia - Fear of everything Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia - Fear of long words (who created the word is an idiot) Hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia is not a real phobia, it was internet created. There's also Phobiphobia - fear of obtaining a phobia.