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Q: What photosynthetic protists have glassy two part cell wall made of silica?
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What photosynthetic have a glassy two part cell wall made of silica?

Diatoms are photosynthetic organisms with a glassy two-part cell wall made of silica. These cell walls, called frustules, have intricate patterns and are responsible for the diverse shapes and sizes of diatoms.

What photosynthetic protists have a two part cell wall made of silica?

Diatoms are photosynthetic protists known for having a two-part cell wall made of silica. These intricate cell walls create unique geometric patterns and provide structural support to the organism. Diatoms play a significant role in marine ecosystems as primary producers.

Do protists have cell walls?

There is no longer a Kingdom of Protists. They are not a monophyletic group (clade). So, the answer is some do some don't. Algae (a type of photosynthetic protist) tend to have a cell wall. Protozoa (the animal like protists) do not. Most single cell protozoa have a pellicle to protect the cell.

What is scientific name of diatoms?

Diatoms are algae, diatoms are protists. Diatoms are placed in the division Bacilliariophyta, which is distinguished by the presence of an inorganic cell wall composed of hydrated silica.

Do protists have a cell wall or cell membrane?

some protists have cell walls All have some sort of membrane. Only some protists have cell walls, mostly algae.

Why are fungus like protists not members of the kingdom fungi?

plants contain cellulose in their cell wall while fungi contains chitin as a major component of its cell wall.Besides fungi are absorptive heterotrophs while plants are photosynthetic autotrophs.fungi lacks centrioles and contains chitin in its cell wall(as described earlier) but certain protists have centrioles and produce cellulose in their cell wall.some protists also contain some pigments like Chl.a Chl.b caroteins etc while fungi does not.Due to these reasons Fungi has separate kingdom.

What are two common characteristics of fungus like protists?

Its really three and they are Cell wall composition, Multicellularity and Photosynthetic pigments

How are euglenoids similar to animal-like protists?

They are both heterotrophs.

What is the name of a type of unicellular plantlike protists with beautiful glass like cell walls?

I believe you a thinking about Diatoms. They have a shell, not a cell wall, made of silica, the same material glass is made of. They are a spectacular sight under a microscope. Because of their Strong rigid shell and reflective properties they are used in many commercial products like reflective paints, abrasives, and formerly cosmetics.

How many cells does a protists have?

Protists only have one cell.

What is a protists cell?

Eukaryotic. This means that it has advanced cell structure, including a nucleus. Protists were the first Eukaryotes.

How many cells do protists have?

Protists only have one cell.