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Allāhu Akbar. It roughly translated to 'God is great'

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Q: What phrase do Muslims repeat as an expression of their faith?
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What faith do Muslims follow?


Latin phrase for bad faith?

The Latin phrase for bad faith is mala fides. The Spanish phrase for these words is mala fe and the Italian phrase is malafede.

How do you get your prayers answered?

repeat them and have faith. easy as that!

Do people of christian faith fast?

no, its Muslims

What is the concept of the leap of faith?

The concept or phrase "Leap of faith" is when you believe in something trusting it to work when there are no promises (the thought or action) will work.

Latin phrase for trust and faith?

'Fides quod fides' is the phrase. Fides means both trust and faith.

Why do Muslims repeat the shahadah at morning and night?

Not just morning and night, but five times a day. To do so is a "pillar of the faith," along with paying zakat, fasting for Ramadan, pilgrimaging to Mecca, and occasionally going on jihad.

Who brought the Islam faith to the Muslims?

The Islamic faith was founded by Muhammed around 600 A.D.

What is the relation of faith to theology?

Answer: Theology (words about God) is an expression of one's faith (experience of God).

Can Muslims deny their faith without consequence?

pickles and katey

What are the two branches of the Muslim faith?

Sunni and Shia Muslims

Are ismailis they Muslims?

They fall under a sect. of the Muslim faith.