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There are four different phylums that fungi may belong too. Entomophthoromycotina, kickxellomycotina, mucoromycotina, and zoopagomycotina are the phylums that fungus can belong to.

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Q: What phylum does fungi belong to?
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To What phylum does aspergillus belong?

Deuteromycota The phylum Deuteromycota does not exist anymore. There has been a reclassification of the Kingdom Fungi. Aspergillus belongs to the phylum Ascomycota.

What fungi belong to the phylum ascomycota?

Ascomycota includes a wide range of fungi such as morels, truffles, yeasts, and many plant pathogens like powdery mildew and Dutch elm disease. This phylum is characterized by its sexual spore-producing structures called asci and includes both edible and pathogenic species.

Which kingdom do mushrooms belong?

Mushrooms belong to the kingdom known as "Fungi". Fungi have characteristic traits such as reproducing via spores. They are also known to prefer to grow in humid climates.

What fungi belong in the phylum ascomycota?

they are also known as bread molds and one of the examples is the Rhizopus

Phylum that also called a conjugation fungi?

the conjugation fungi phylum is a also called Phylum Zycomycota.

What is phylum basidiomycota?

The phylum Basidiomycota belongs to the kingdom fungi. The organisms that are included in this phylum are mushroom-producing fungi, such as stinkhorns and puffballs .

In which phylum are the fungi that are predominantly aquatic classified-?


To what phylum do vertebrates belong?

Vertebrates belong in the phylum Chordata.

What is the phylum for fungi with unknown sexual stages?

The phylum for fungi with unknown sexual stages is called Deuteromycota. This phylum, also known as fungi imperfecti or imperfect fungi, includes various fungi that have not yet been observed to reproduce sexually.

What is another name for phylum deuteromycota?

Imperfect fungi (or Fungi imperfecta) is another name for the phylum Deuteromycota.

To what phylum do deer belong to?

Deer belong to the phylum 'Chordata'.