

Best Answer

The atomic number, mass, weight. Protons, electrons, neutrons. Whichever element it is................The period and group it's in.

That's funny I have the exact same question for Mrs. McCallister 8th grade science ahaha. Well, there you are/go. <3 :D XD

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Q: What physical and chemical properties are determined by investigating the periodic table?
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What physical and chemical properties rare determined by investigating the periodic table?

Physical properties like lustre cannot be determined. Chemical properties like enthalpy values is hard to determine.

Which property of matter can easily be determined by looking at the periodic table?

Various chemical properties can be determined. It is done by estimation from position of element.

Why groups of periodic table have similar chemical properties?

The properties of chemical elements have a periodic trend.

How does reactivity correlate to each elements location on the periodic table?

Reactivity is associated with position. Chemical properties of element can be determined from its position.

How is the position on the periodic table related to the chemical properties of an element?

Position of Periodic Table describes chemical properties. it is estimated from its position in table.

What is mendeleev's periodic law?

The physical and chemical properties of the elements are periodic functions of their atomic numbers.The periodic law states that the physical and chemical properties of elements are periodic functions of their atomic numbers. They influence the characters of an element more than atomic weight.

Why are periodic tables called that?

Because the elements that have similar properties are arranged in groups - or 'periods'.

How can the periodic table identify the properties of chemical families?

Periodic table group elements with same properties together. Hence their properties can be identified.

Who determined that the properties in elements are periodic?

The Russian chemist Dmitri Mendeleev.

What two properties are the modern periodic table based on?

Properties of elements are periodic function of atomic number. Elements with same chemical properties are grouped together.

What is pattern of repeating properties of elements revealed in the periodic table called?

The answer to, ' when repeating chemical and physical properties of elements change periodically with the elements' atomic numbers it is called the?'Periodic law, is the answer. PERIODIC LAW !orPeriodicity of the chemical elements properties.

What are the properties based on modern periodic table?

Properties of elements are periodic function of atomic number. Elements with same chemical properties are grouped together.