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Q: What physical feature do your share with your family member?
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What physical features don you share with your family members?

What are the physical features do we share with our family members

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the family member you would share your new celebrity wealth with will be your parents, your kids, your spouse, and your siblings. there. :)

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Land between two rivers.

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They both have a very light color of blue eyes.

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The mountains sourrounding and including the Rockys.

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Filial and Confucianism both believe in family and respect.

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Being over 6' tall .

What important feature do Confucianism and filial piety share?

Filial and Confucianism both believe in family and respect.

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Who is the first family member you would share your new celebrity wealth with?

parents spouse children sibling

Can you annul an extended family member?

You either share a common ancestor or you don't. You cannot change that fact.