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Q: What physical features did the Aryan migrations pass through?
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Did Hitler's Aryan race have to have certain facial features?

Aryan Features:White SkinBlond HairBlue EyesFairly Tall

What is Nepal's ethnicity?

Nepal is a multi ethnic , multi cultural country with people from different ethnic backgrounds living together in peace and harmony. Nepal consists of over 100 castes and ethnicities like Brahmins, Chettris, Gurungs, Magars, Rais, Limbus, Tamangs, yadavs, Jhas, sherpas etc. Some of Nepalese have Aryan/Dravidian looking facial/ physical/cultural features while some have MOngolian facial/physical/cultural features.

What did Adolf Hitler call his super race?

The Aryan race.

What is a non- aryan?

A non-aryan person doesn't have blond hair or blue eyes. So a German is an aryan for as a jew IS NOT an aryan person.

Aryan actually refers to?

The word Aryan has no actual racial meaning. It is strictly used in reference to speakers of long-ago Indo-European languages and has nothing to do with ethnicity or physical type. Hitler misused the term to refer to Caucausians of the Nordic type.

When was The Aryan created?

The Aryan was created in 1916.

What is meaning of marathi name aryan?


What were Hitler and the the Jews fighting over?

He felt that they were polluting the 'pure Aryan blood' with their religion and physical features. Note: Hitler and the Jews were not "fighting" since "fighting" requires two belligerent groups meeting each other in some sort of combat situation. The Jews were civilians who were violently massacred and annihilated. There was no "fighting".

How do you change aryan face into mongolian?

Marry with Aryan man. Aryan DNA may change face .

What is the duration of The Aryan?

The duration of The Aryan is 3000.0 seconds.