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Q: What physical properties are shared by most meatles?
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What physical properties are shared by most non-metals?

They have high ionization energy and high electronegativity.

What physical propertys are shared by most metals?

These properties are: luster, malleability, ductility, conductivity, hardness, resilience, elasticity, shear modulus, etc.

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A physical property of gold is it?

Gold's physical properties include how it looks, the way it feels, the density of the gold, and many other factors of its physicality. Physical properties are often some of the most revealing properties of objects.

What 2 physical properties of matter are most useful for comparisons?

physical qualityby Brittney S

What are the physical properties of carbon?

The most common properties are, black solid (except diamond), insoluble in water, combustible.

Is it true that unknown compounds can usually be identified based solely on their physical properties.?

it is not true that some compounds can usually be indetified based solely on their physical properties.

What is the effect of physical changes?

Physical changes do not change the properties of the substance. You can get back the original state of the substance in most cases by reversing the physical process.

What physical properties are most helpful when identifing similar objects?

It depends on the objects. the properties that help compare an eyeball to a marble for example, are much different then the properties that are going to be most helpful to compare a car to a truck.

What factor determines where in the body an ingested radioisotope will be most likely to concentrate?

physical properties

What is characteristic physical property?

The properties of a thing are the qualities you tell when you describe it. For example, the properties of ice are COLDNESS, HARDNESS, and TRANSPARENCY. The properties of sugar are SWEETNESS, being CRYSTALINE and CRUNCHY. The properties of some people are SHORT TEMPER and DISHONESTY, while others are KIND and GENEROUS. Physical properties are those that describe what something is made of and what it feels like. The characteristics properties of a thing are those which are most obvious or most special to that thing. If someone says they got wet, it not hard to guess that they have water on them. The characteristic physical property of water is wetness.

What methode of removal of biomass has the most adverse impact on physical properties of soil?

alters the landscape