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Q: What physical property is is unreliable as an identification clue for minerals?
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magnify glass
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An unreliable property to identify minerals is?


Why is streak an important physical property of minerals?

A streak test is used to determine a minerals streak color. This can help in the identification of minerals.

Which property is the most unreliable variable diagnostic property of minerals such as quartz?


Why is color often an unreliable property in identifying minerals?

because many minerals are the same color, and some minerals come in many colors

What is the least reliable physical property for mineral identification?


Is the ability to transmit light a chemical or physical property?

It's a physical property used in identifying minerals.

What is the least reliable physical property for identifying minerals?


What property is generally least useful in identifying minerals?

Density is the least useful property for identification because different specimens of the same type of mineral can vary in size. -Color is the least useful property for identification because it is the most obvious property.

Is a melting point a chemical change?

A melting point is a physical property. It yields much information in the identification of a compound

What mineral property is the least useful property?

The least effective property used to identify most minerals would be the color. The color of a mineral can be altered by impurities.

How magnetism can be useful for identifying minerals?

only certain minerals display magnetism

Why are the other mineral properties less useful for identification?

it's because there are too many other minerals which share the same property.