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Skin color, in animals color of their hide, for example rabbits.

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Q: What physical traits are influenced by the environment?
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What physical traits are affected by the environment?


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What is a traits of a corn plant is least influenced by the environment?

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Why is there a wide range of phenotypes in polygenic inheritance?

"polygenic inheritance"- the inheritance of quantitative traits, traits which are influenced by multiple genes. Polygenic inheritance shows how multiple genes in combination with a person's environment can influence someone's phenotype, or physical appearance. A wide range is produced because the gene combinations are vast.

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Some Filipino traits influenced by Arabs include a strong sense of hospitality, respect for elders, and a deep sense of family ties. Additionally, concepts of modesty and a strong work ethic are also influenced by Arab culture.

Personality traits are influenced from a combination of heredity and .?

Both what is in your genes and the environment produce various personality traits.

The characteristics of an organism are called?

the physical characteristic of an organism is called its phenotype

What kind of traits develop as a result of your environment?

what are the traits called that develope as a result of your environment

What does physical traits means?

How you look are your physical traits like eye color.