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Q: What place can you go to snow ski in July is the Andes mountains or the New England highlands or the ozark mountains or the sierra madre occidental?
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What is the western range of the Mexico's Sierra Madre mountains found in Mexico?

Sierra Madre Occidental.

What are the three major mountain ranges in Latin America?

Andes mountains Sierra mountains oriental Sierra mountains occidental

What is name of mountains in western part of Mexico?

Sierra Madre Occidental.

What is Mexico western range of mountains named?

It is known as the Sierra Madre Occidental.

What mountain ranges are part of the Cordilleras?

Rocky Mountains, Sierra Madre Occidental, and Sierra Madre Del Sur

What is the name used for all the Cordillera Mountains in Mexico?

There are three of them: Sierra Madre Oriental, Sierra Madre Occidental and Sierra Madre del Sur.

In Ecuador what are the highlands called?

The highlands in Equador are commonly called "La Sierra". They are part of the Andes mountains.

What extends from Mexico to Alaska?

The Rocky Mountains, which in Mexico are called Sierra Madre Occidental.

What mountains do you pass through if you go in a straight line from San Diego to Mexico city?

Betwin San Diego and Mexicali (sierra de Juarez and San Pedro Martir) and betwin Sorora and Chihuahua (sierra madre occidental) the you enter the central plateau of Mexico (Mexican highplains frome Chihuahua all the way to Mexico City.

What is the interior of Mesoamerica?

The interior is filled with mountains, those of which are Sierra Madre Occidental and Sierra Madre Oriental Mountains. The Sierra Madre Occidental and Sierra Madre Oriental mountains frame the huge Plateau of Mexico. In the middle lies the Central Plateau. There are also volcanoes. They had fertile land to farm and to get this they used basalt and obsidian. Farther south is a region of highlands. This is a rugged land of steep ridges and gorges, or deep, narrow valleys. Mesoamerica has tons of forests and had lush coasts and cenotes. These were natural wells. There was the Yucatan Mesoamerica there grasslands, rivers, and swamps. The climate there is hot and humid.

What are two mountains ranges in Mexico?

There are more than two but the most important include the Sierra Madre Oriental and Sierra Madre Occidental.

What major mountain range runs through Mexico?

it is the sierra madre occidentalThe Andes mountain range. :)