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Q: What planes were used in the Belfast blitz in World War 2?
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What is Blitz Cree?

Blitz KREIG is translated as "lightning war" in German. Used to describe a type of attack using planes and fast moving vehicles followed by infantry to surprise and overwhelm an opponent.

What were Britains defenses in the blitz?

Radar, fighter planes (Spitfire and Hurricane), long range (for a fighter) from France to London, barrage balloons, antiaircraft guns, civilians looking for planes with binoculars and calling in if they were spotted, searchlights that were used at night to look for planes.

Was the blitz in World War 1 or 2?

World War 2, blitz is short for "blitzkreig"

What plane started the blitz in World War 2?

if you mean which plane was the first to drop its bombs i am not sure, but if you mean which planes were used in the blitz the Germans used Junkers Ju 88s, Dornier Do 17s, Messerschmitt Me 110s, Me 109, and the British used spitfires hurricanes. I think that's all. Edit: Actually some of those weren't used till after the Blitz. The primary aircraft used in the 1940 Battle of Britain were Ju-88, He-111, Do-17, Ju-87 (briefly), Me-110 and Me-109.

What airships were used during the blitz of World War 2?


What were planes used as at the beginning of World War 2?

fighters,bombers,and cargo planes primarily.

What does the world blitz mean?

The word Blitz is the German word meaning lighting. The correct term for what many call the blitz is the Blitzkrieg, which means lighting war. The Blitzkreig is the war stratagy used by the Germans to invade enemy countries during World War 2

Were planes used in World War 1?


Is it true that Italian planes and pilots were used to defend France and the low countries in the battle of Britain and blitz when the allies led by the british raf couter attacked?

Yes, that is true.

Why did World War 2 use planes?

we used planes in world war 2 it was easyer to bomb other places and they where new.

Is it true that the luftwaffe used Italian aircraft and pilots under their command in the blitz on Britain if so how many men and planes lost?

It is true. There were not a lot of them but the Italians were there. See link below.

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