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The planet that does not get colder when further away from the sun is Venus as it rotates backwards.

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Q: What planet does not get colder when further away from the sun?
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How does the of the temperature of planet vary with the distance from the sun?

The further away a planet is from the sun the colder it is, the closer a planet is the hotter the planet is.

How does the distance of a planet from the sun affect the temperature?

the further away you are from the sun the colder the place is.

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It's colder - due to it being much further away from the Sun than we are.

How does the temperature of the planet vary with the sun?

The temperature of a planet varies with the distance from the sun because the sun is hot and the closer something is to the sun, the hotter the object gets. The further away the planet from the sun, the colder the planet.

Do planets get colder when there away from the sun?

Yes planets get colder when further away from the Sun.

How does the temperature of the planet vary the distance from the sun?

The temperature of a planet varies with the distance from the sun because the sun is hot and the closer something is to the sun, the hotter the object gets. The further away the planet from the sun, the colder the planet.

How does the temperature of the planet vary with distance from the sun?

The temperature of a planet varies with the distance from the sun because the sun is hot and the closer something is to the sun, the hotter the object gets. The further away the planet from the sun, the colder the planet.

How does the temperature of planet vary with distance from the sun?

The temperature of a planet varies with the distance from the sun because the sun is hot and the closer something is to the sun, the hotter the object gets. The further away the planet from the sun, the colder the planet.

How does the temperature of the planet vary with the distance from the sun?

The colser you are to the sun the more hotter you will be. The more fether away you are the coolder so that is why neptune is the coolest planet because it is fether away from the sun unlike mecery wich is the hottest because the clostest planet to the sun.

How are the planet distance from the sun generally relat to temperatures?

Generally speaking, the further a planet is from the sun, the colder the planet is.

How does the distance that a planet is from the sun effects the temperature of the planet?

the further a planet is from the sun the hotter it is but if the planet is closer to the sun the colder it is(just saying I don't think this is right but if it is yay for me)

What are the coldest?

The further away from the sun, the colder it is. So therefore, the planet Neptune would be the coldest, followed by Uranus, then Saturn and so on and so forth.