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Q: What planet experience seasonal variation like earth?
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Which of the eight planets experiences the seasonal variation like the earth why?

Planets experience seasonal variation due to the axial tilt. Mars is most like ours and has seasons.

Which planets experiences seasonal variation like the earth?


Which of the planets experiences seasonal variations like the earth?

Seasonal variation is associated with axial tilt. Mercury, Venus, and Jupiter have very slight inclination, thus nearly erasing any seasonal variation. Mercury also lacks an atmosphere, so it wouldn't experience "seasons" even if it possessed tilt.

Is it true that seasonal variation is caused by the earth's eliptical orbit around the sun?

No, it is not.

What is the angle of the axis?

The axial tilt of Jupiter is relatively small: only 3.13°. As a result this planet does not experience significant seasonal changes, in contrast to Earth and Mars for example.

Is Jupiter tilted on its axis?

The axial tilt of Jupiter is relatively small: only 3.13°. As a result this planet does not experience significant seasonal changes, in contrast to Earth and Mars for example.

Why do the southern and northern hemispheres experience seasonal changes in temperature and light?

they do because the Earth's Tilt

Which regions of the earth have the greatest seasonal changes as far as the amount of daylight and darkness they experience?


Will a planet without a moon have extreme tides?

No, a planet without a moon would not have extreme tides. Tides are primarily caused by the gravitational pull between a planet and its moon. Without a moon, there would be no significant tidal forces acting on the planet.

Why is the Earth the only known planet with life?

Because it is the only planet with which we have first hand experience.

Why do the tropics do not experience seasonal changes?

The seasons only change in temperate zones because of the Earth's revolution around the sun.

What is the Major cause for the seasonal temperature variation at any given latitude on earth?

If you live in the northern hemisphere, summertime is when the earth is tilting closer to the sun. Winter is when the earth is tilting farther away. It the opposite if you're living in the southern hemisphere.