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Q: What planet has 8 rings that reach into space about the same distance as it is between the Earth and the Moon?
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What is The distance and travel time between Newcastle and sunshine?

Light takes about 8 minutes to reach earth

How long does it generally take to reach moon from the earth?

It takes about 3 days for a spacecraft to reach the moon. During that time a spacecraft travels about 240,000 miles (386,400 kilometers) which is the distance between Earth and the moon. It takes about 3 days for a spacecraft to reach the moon. During that time a spacecraft travels about 240,000 miles (386,400 kilometers) which is the distance between Earth and the moon.

Which planet have more distance from earth?

The planet furthest away from Earth is Pluto, which is 2 and three quarters of a billion miles away from Earth. Light takes approximately 9 hours to reach us from it. It is the smallest planet in our Solar System, being classified as a 'dwarf planet', and very cold, with a surface covered mostly in either ice or frozen gases.

Why is the distace between earth and the sun measured in light minutes and the distance between neptune and the sun measured in light hours?

Because it only takes 8 minutes for sunlight to reach Earth, but it takes 4 hours to reach Neptune.

Did master chief crash on reach at the end of halo3?

no, it was an unidentified planet either in the same system as the ark or somewhere between the ark and earth

How long does it take a beam of light to reach planet earth from your nearest star?

It takes approx. 8 and half minutes to reach earth

How many AU'S does it take to reach Mars?

AU(astronomical unit) is not an unit of time but distance. It is a mean distance between Earth and Sun and it's roughly equal 150 million kilometers. If you are asking for straigth line distance between Mars and Earth, it can be anything between about 0.52 AU, when the planets are closest together and 2.52 AU when they are on opposite sides of Sun.

Distance between Long reach and Brisbane?

Approx Distance: 1100 Km

How long would it take light from the sun to reach planet earth?

approximately 8.33seconds

How far do the sun's rays travel to hit the Earth?

The earth travels on an orbit around the sun changing the distance the sun's rays would have to travel. It takes between 490 to 507 seconds for the rays to reach Earth.

In the northern hemisphere which season does the earth reach its greatest distance from the sun?

In the summer

What is planet reach?

Planet Reach is a planet colonised by humans of the future.