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The earth travels on an orbit around the sun changing the distance the sun's rays would have to travel. It takes between 490 to 507 seconds for the rays to reach Earth.

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Q: How far do the sun's rays travel to hit the Earth?
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How does the effect of the suns gravity on Pluto compare to the effect of the suns gravity on earth?

well pluto is so far away that the sun rays can't reach out that far for it to be warmer and for earth,the earth is much closer and could get most of the suns hot rays

How does the angle at which the Suns rays strike the earth affect the temperature at earth surface?

If the sun's rays hit the Earth's surface at a direct spot, which is usually around the equator, that area would be the warmest. Any area that is far away from the sun's rays is usually cold.

Does earth have rays?

as far as i know... the earth doesnt give off rays.

How far will gamma travel?

Gamma Rays will travel as long as they have energy

How far do x-rays travel?

Potentially to the ends of the universe.

How far do suns direct rays travel in a year?

About 9.45 trillion kilometers (5.88 trillion miles) per year if you mean how far can light (including the sun's light) travel in a year. 365 days/year * 86,400 seconds/day * 299,792 km/s = 9.45 x 10^12 km/year

What will happen if there is no UV rays?

Although it is harmful, it's still important. UV rays carries heat from the sun. Although the sun is the closest star from earth, it's still far away and it's almost about 150 million kilometers away from the sun and sunlight itself can't travel that far because the sun's surface is only about several thousand degrees Celsius, that's why they are carried by UV rays, so the earth will have the right temperature for living. If there is no UV rays, Earth will be like Pluto. UV rays can't travel more than a billion kilometers and Pluto is 7.4 billion kilometers away, so UV rays can't reach Pluto.

The part of the earth where the sun's rays strike most directly is called?

The top of Everest, K2, Kilimanjaro or any high mountain. This is due to a lack of particulates in the air to filter the rays out and of course because they are closer to the sun. Although the Equatorial region of the Earth may be the hottest, the actual difference in distance between the Equator and Everest is negligible if you consider how far the suns rays have travelled to get to us in the first place.

How far does earth travel in one second?


How does the angle at which the sun's rays strike the Earth affect the temperature at the Earth's surface?

If the sun's rays hit the Earth's surface at a direct spot, which is usually around the equator, that area would be the warmest. Any area that is far away from the sun's rays is usually cold.

Is it true that the three major kinds of radiation gamma rays can penetrate the farthest into a material?

Gamma rays can travel furthest into a material which is why it is emitted in a nuclear bomb blast. In a supernova gamma rays are burst out in all directions. Gamma rays are so deadly all life on Earth could be annihilated because of a single supernova from as far as 7 light years away!

When stars fall do they become rocks?

No. Stars cannot fall to Earth They are far beyond the influence of Earth's gravity and far larger and more massive than Earth. The stars are suns, some larger and brighter than our own but unimaginably far away. The remains of dead stars are composed of extremely dense forms of matter not found on Earth. The "falling stars" are not actually stars; they are meteors, small pieces of rock and metal that burn up as they travel through Earth's upper atmosphere at extreme speeds.