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Q: What planet has a moon called titan and is bigger than Mercury?
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Which planet Titan is larger than Mercury?

Titan is larger than Mercury, but Titan is a moon, not a planet.

Is Mercury smaller than the planet Titan?

Mercury is smaller than Titan, but Titan is a moon, not a planet.

What planet in the solar system's moon titan is bigger than mercury?

Titan is the 2nd biggest moon of the Solar System, and is in orbit of Saturn. And yes, Titan is biggest than Mercury.

Is Titian bigger than Earth?

No, Titan is not larger than the planet Earth. Titan is a little larger than Mercury. Titan is a moon of Saturn.

Who discovered Titan the Saturn moon?

Titan is Saturn's larget moon, and is actually bigger than the planet Mercury. It was discovered in 1655 by Christiaan Huygens.

Is the moon titan bigger than Mercury?

yes titan is bigger than mercury by about 169 miles (27i kilometers)

Which is the largest satellite in the solar system bigger than planet mercury?

The two Jovian planet satellites that are larger in size than mercury are Ganymede and Titan. Ganymede is the moon of Jupiter and Titan is the moon of Saturn.

What place does Mercury rank for size?

By size, it's the smallest planet. In fact, Jupiter's moon Ganymede and Saturn's moon Titan are both bigger than Mercury.

Which planet's moon Titan is larger than the planet mercury?


Are any moons in the solar system bigger than the planets?

Titan, one of Satuns moons, is bigger than Mercury

Is it possible for a moon to be bigger than a planet?

Yes, quite easily. For example, Titan (the largest of Saturn's moons) is larger than Mercury.

Is Mercury bigger than all of the moons?

Mercury is the closest planet to the Sun and the eighth largest. Mercury is slightly smaller in diameter than the moons Ganymede and Titan but more than twice as massive.