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Q: What planet has a rotation period that is almost the same with its orbital period?
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How long are the days and years of the planet Ceres?

Ceres has a rotation period of 0.3781 days, and an orbital period of 4.6 years.

Orbital period of the planet Mercury around the sun is?

Almost exactly 88 Earth days.

What is the common term used for a planet's orbital period?

A planet's orbital period is also known as its year.

What is planet Saturn's exact orbit and rotation periods?

The orbital period is 29.447498 years and the rotational period is 0.44401 days. These values are approximate, one can never know the exact figures.

What is one rotation period for a planet called?

chocolate pie... but that was 3 years ago...

Which properties can be inferred from the stars orbital period?

a planet's orbital period. based off kepler's 3rd law (Wrong.)The planet's orbital radius. (Correct.)

Earth rotation and orbital motion and its effects?

The earth's rotation and orbital motion is responsible for the days and nights on the planet. This movement is also responsible for the changes in the seasons.

What is orbital period?

Orbital period is the time it takes a planet to go around its star once.

Planet whose axis of rotation lies almost in its orbital plane?

Uranus has an inclination of 98 degrees making it's seasons 21 years long

Which planet's day is closest in length to its year?

The planet Mercury has a day that is almost the same length as its year. Mercury's rotation period is about 59 Earth days, which is very close to its orbital period around the Sun of about 88 Earth days. This means that one day on Mercury is almost as long as one year on Mercury.

Which planet has the longest rotation period?

Pluto has the longest REVOLUTION period Venus has the longest ROTATION period

What is the difference of a planets period of rotation and period of revolution?

The difference between the rotation and revoulution is that rotation is the spiinning of the planet on its axis and revoulution is the orbiting of the planet around the sun.