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Q: What planet has mountains valleys plains and continents but no water?
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What planet has mountains valleys plains and continents like the earth but no water?

I think it's Mars, not sure though. Hey, do you happen to go to FJA(Flagstaff Junior Academy), because this question is on my homework. Just wondering...

Does Uranus have any mountains or valleys name them?

no it dosent it is a gas planet

What is Mercury's appreance?

Mercury is the smallest and closest planet to the Sun in our Solar System. It is very similar in appearance to the moon, with mare-like plains, heavy craters, highlands, mountains and valleys.

Does Saturn have mountains or valleys?

Saturn does not have mountains or valleys. This planet is mostly gas and liquefied gas.

Does uranus have mountains craters and plains?

No. It is a gas planet, meaning it does not have a solid surface.

Does Haumea have mountains or valleys?

We do not know for certain at this time, but it is likely, since a perfectly smooth terrestrial planet is a near impossibility.

Which planet is characterized by thick cloud cover greenhouse effect vast plains and high mountains?

I know that the planet with all of those characteristics is definitely SATURN.

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What can you find on the crust of the Earth?

All of the Earth's surface features are on the crust of our planet. The oceans, the mountains, the plains and deserts and forests, and all lakes and rivers are on the crust of the planet on which we live.

Does Jupiter has any mountains or valleys?

no it can't hold mountains because it is one big ball of gas

How many valleys doe Saturn have?

Saturn is a gas planet. It does not have a solid surface, so it does not have valleys.

How bumpy are all the planets outside?

Only Mercury, Venus, Earth and Mars have solid surfaces, as well as various moons. The other planets are all gas giants. Pluto would be solid, but is no longer regarded as a planet. The different planets and moons that have solid surfaces also have hills, valleys, mountains, craters and plains like Earth.