

What planet have speed of light?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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13y ago

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i don`t think planets travel at the speed of light

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Q: What planet have speed of light?
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Does darkness have a speed?

no, it is the speed of light just at a lower level of intensity. Light travels and never ends even when it hits a planet light still exist just at a lower intensity.

How many speeds of light to each planet?

Only one . . . 299,792,458 meters per second. It's the same speed to any planet.

How fast does speed of light travel on venus?

Speed of light doesn't travel. Light travels.The speed of light doesn't vary depending on the planet; it may, however, vary depending what it goes through. For example, the speed of light in a vacuum is 300,000 km/second; the speed of light in glass is about 2/3 of that value.

What is the speed of light per planet?

The speed of light is the same for every observer everywhere. That is a fundamental tenet of the theory of special relativity (and everything based on it, such as the general theory of relativity and quantum field theory). To date no violation of the consistency of the speed of light has been measured. By the way, this does not say the speed of light is the maximum speed, just that the speed of light is constant, so the possible discovery of faster-than-light neutrinos does not invalidate this.

Diagram of the speed of lights to all the planets?

There is not much to diagram there. The speed of light in a vacuum is 300,000 kilometers per second in all cases.

What is the light of a planet?

the light of the planet is the sun

What planet is 93 million miles away from the sun?

The planet Mars is approximately 13 light minutes from the Sun.

What happens to a planet's speed when it is more distant from the sun?

The planet's speed is reduced.

How many times as fast as the speed of the planet mercury in orbit is the speed of light when the speed of the planet mercury in orbit is 200 000 and light is 1 080 000 000?

To do this sort of calculation it sometimes helps to get rid of any corresponding zeroes at the ends of the numbers. Both 200,000 and 1,080,000,000 have five 0s that match at the end, and we can delete them This gives us 2 and 10,800 Now we can divide 10,800 by the 2 and we get 5,400 which is how many times faster light is than the planet Mercury.

What is planet light?

The planet light is its internal heat.

What is difference between orbital and spinning speed of a planet?

The orbital speed of a planet is the time it takes to cycle around the sun. The spinning speed of a planet is the time it takes for the planet to rotate on it's axis.

Where does a planet get its light from?

The planet get its light from their internal heat source.