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Neptune travels the most distance per revolution around the Sun.

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Q: What planet travels the most distance around the solar system?
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Related questions

How does the distance affect the time it takes a planet to orbit?

Yes. The grater the distance, the longer an object takes to orbit.

Which planet takes 1 year to travel around the world?

No planet travels around the world. All planets travel around the sun. This is called the solar system.

What planet had the Greatest distance to travel around the sun?

Within our Solar System, Neptune, the furthest planet from the Sun has the greatest distance to travel.

Are planet travel the same distance around the sun?

No - each of the planets in our solar system travels a greater distance, the further they are away. For example, Pluto is 1,000 times further away from the sun than Mercury. Pluto (the outer-most planet) takes 246 years to orbit the sun once. Mercury (closest to the sun) takes just 88 days !

What is mars position in the system?

Mars is the fourth planet from the sun, orbiting the sun at a distance of around 225 million km

What is the path that a planet travels around the sun?

An orbit. the farthest known orbit in our solar system is the Oort belt, in the farthest reaches of our sun's gravitational field.

What is the difference between an asteroid and a planet?

a planet is much larger and travels in an ellipse around the centre of the solar system which is the sun.

What is the system called which the blood travels around?

Vascular system

How do planets go round the sun?

Every planet in our solar system travels around the sun on its orbit which is a invisible path that goes right around the sun. feel free to add anything

When light travels through space from the sun which planet would it reach first?

The closest planet to our sun in our solar system is Mercury.

Where Uranus is in the solar system?

Uranus is 7th planet out form the Sun in the solar system.mecuryvenusearthmarsjupitersaturnuranusneptuneUranus is at an average distance of about 19 AU from the Sun (19 times the distance Sun-Earth). The eight planets go around the Sun more or less in the same plane. The direction, of course, changes as Uranus moves around the Sun.

What Distance?

Distance is the length of a path over which an object travels; usually expressed in meters or kilometers in the metric system, and in feet or miles in the English System.