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Q: What planet was removed from the planet status in recent years?
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There are only eight planets in the Solar System. The celestial body commonly referred to as the "ninth" planet in the Solar System is Pluto, which has been reclassified as a dwarf planet in recent years.

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How many planets in the solar system today?

8. That's excluding Pluto which had it's planet status taken away from it a few years ago because it was considered too small to class as a planet.

Why did the planet Pluto make news headline a few years ago?

Pluto was officially removed from the classification of planet after a discussion and vote of planetary scientists. Turns out there are numerous planetoids at the far reaches of the solar system.

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People may like organic farming because, it is friendly to our planet and the diversity of living things on it.

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Mercury is slightly smaller then the Earths Core. Mercury is believed to have been struck by a planet sized object billions of years ago which blew away everything but the core of the planet.(If Pluto was still a planet, Pluto would also be smaller than the Earth's core, but it was demoted to the status of a dwarf planet.)

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A planet that rules a given sign is said to most closely represent the given traits of that sign and has the strongest influence when working through that sign. Capricorn is governed by the planet Saturn. Saturn is the planet associated with discipline, limitations, determination, common-sense, practicality and responsibility. Saturn also rules status and authority, but those that come from many years of hard work or seniority. Saturn is also a stubborn planet that can be stuck in its ways and not interested in changing the status quo. This planet is very traditional.

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AnswerI think it's the skills and not the age that matters. AnswerIf a WikiAnswers Supervisor lies about their age to the extent that they would not be eligible for Supervisor status (15 years of age), they will have their status removed and could face their account being suspended. We have age restrictions for a reason.

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Yes. Archeopteryx was a very birdlike dinosaur. It is formally classified as a bird (no contradiction here as birds are now considered dinosaurs), but its status as a bird has been debated in recent years.

What planet has a year 248 earth years long?

The dwarf planet Pluto is the planet with a year 248 earth years long.