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Q: What planets and dwarfs planets takes the longest to complete one revolution?
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How many dwarfs planets are in solar system?

There are currently 5 dwarf planets that are being recognized.

How are brown dwarfs like Jovian planets?

Both of them have the same mass which is 13MJ Edit : As far as I know brown dwarfs have much more mass than Jupiter, and that's the biggest of the Jovian planets.

Whats the longest disney movie?

Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs

What are the internal heat source?

Internal heat source include celestial objects, such as moons, dwarf planets, brown dwarfs, stars and planets.

The longest part of the total life of most stars is spent?

White dwarf stars are theorized to be the final evolutionary state of all stars that did not become neutron stars. This stage is the longest in a stars life outside of black dwarfs which are white dwarfs that have cooled dramatically.

Is a red giant the coldest star?

No. Red giants have temperatures comparable to those of red dwarfs. Even cooler are brown dwarfs, which are objects that are in the intermediate range between planets and stars.

What are the new planet when Pluto blasted?

There is some misconception in the question as it says that pluto blasted but it has not it is still there. And for the new planets which are not really declared planets but are dwarfs are Xena and Ceres.

The the dwarfs planets in order from sun?

Ceres(In the Asteroid Belt), Pluto(After Neptune), Xen or Eris(Beyond Pluto)

Which of the seven dwarfs doesn't have a beard?

Dopey, the youngest of the seven dwarfs, has no beard.

Who was the only one of the seven dwarfs who didn't have a beard?

Dopey , is the only one of the dwarfs that does not have a beard .

Why is Pluto and charon called ice dwarfs?

Because they are much more little than other planets. They are almost as if they were an ice cube. Because they are much more little than other planets. They are almost as if they were an ice cube.