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I think you mean closeST to the Sun! Inner planets- these in our own solar system would include Mercury, Venus, our own Earth, and Mars.

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Q: What planets are closets to the sun inner or outer?
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Can you differentiate the outer planets from the inner planets?

The inner planets, which are closest to the Sun, are:MercuryVenusEarthMarsThe outer planets, which are farther away from the sun are:JupiterSaturnUranusNeptune

Do the inner planets or the outer planets get more of the sun's energy?

the inner planets

How are the inner planets different than then outer planets?

The inner planets are hotter because they are the closest to the sun the outer planets are the coldest because they are the farthest planets from the sun

How are outer planets similar to inner planets?

They are similar in that both the inner and outer planets all orbit the sun.

Which planets are close to the sun inner or outer?


How is it decided which planets are inner and which planets are outer?

The inner planets are those closest to the sun.

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The outer planets generate their own heat and the inner planets are warmed by the sun.

How do the inner planets travel around the sun than the outer planets?

Inner planets travel faster than outer planets

What is the main different between the inner and outer planets?

the inner planets are closest to the sun and the outer planets are farthest from the sun { Answered by a grade 4 student}

Inner an outer planet similarities?

The inner and outer planets are The same because The Inner planets are not made out of gas The outer planets are bigger than inners The outer planets are the coldest The Inner planets are rocky The inner planets are terrestrial The outer planets can't support life The inner planets have iron cores The outer are the furthest from the sun The outer planets haveno rocky surface

How are the inner and outer planets alike and different?

inner are closer to the sun. outer are far away from the sun.

Which planets are classified as inner planets and which are outer planets?

Very simple. We have 2 asteroid belts in our Solar System that divides the inner planets and outer planets. Very well organized and place you can tell with is the inner (closet to the sun) and which is outer (farther from the sun).