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The outer planets

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Q: What planets are mosty balls of gas?
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These planets are mostly balls of gas?

These are the four outer gas giant planets; Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune.

How are terrestrial planets different from the Jovian planets?

Terrestrial planets have terra firma, a.k.a. hard ground. The gas giants are giant balls of gas.

Planets mostly made of balls of gas?

Four planets are comprised primarily of gas and are known as gas giants. They are Jupiter, Saturn, Neptune and Uranus.

What planets are mostly balls of gas?

Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune

Planets balls of gas?

The gas planets are the four outer planets; Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune. They don't have a solid surface like earth, just gas that gets thicker and thicker the further you go in.

Why do the same planets have rings and others don't?

Because some planets are solid and others with rings are just huge balls of gas sometimes called gas giants

How are the inner planet different from the outer planet?

The inner planets are like big rocks. The outer planets are like big balls of gas.

Why is the nickname for the outer planets gas giant?

They are all made up of gases. The outer planets are nicknamed "gas giants" because they are massive object rotating around the sun that are essentially huge balls of gas with dense metal cores:)

what did you notice about the inner planet compared to the other planet?

The inner planets are small rocky bodies, whereas the outer planets are gas giants, large balls of gas with ring systems and a large quantity of Moons.

How do planets survive in space?

Planets are pretty much just big rocks or gas balls orbiting their sun. They are just there, until their sun explodes or another big rock hits them and destroys them.

Are planets made of cheese?

No. The planets Mercury through Mars are rocky, and are solid. Planets Jupiter through Neptune are huge balls of gas. Pluto (Which I will always regard as a planet regardless of what other scientists say), is also a rocky planet.

Who explained that the force that keeps the planets and the moon in their orbits is gravity?

My balls. They lay a nuclear active radiated gas that explains the whole theory.