

What planets have 5 letters?

Updated: 11/23/2022
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Q: What planets have 5 letters?
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both are planets both have 5 letters in their name both have 2 vowels and 3 consenants

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Planets with 6 letters?

* saturn * uranus

What are the planets with four letters?

There is one planet and it is Mars.

What is the answer to this number sequence 56565576?

first -- 5 letters second -- 6 letters third -- 5 letters fourth -- 6 letters fifth -- 5 letters sixth -- 5 letters seventh -- 7 letters eighth -- 6 letters So the nest number would be 5, because there are 5 letters in ninth.

What are the 5 outer planets?

There are only 4 "outer planets". They are Jupiter Saturn Uranus and Neptune. There are 5 planets outside the Earth's orbit. They are the above 4 plus Mars. These 5 are called the "superior planets".

How are the 5 outer planets alike?

their all gas planets

What are the last 5 planets called altogether?

Outer planets

What three planets' first letters spell sun?

Saturn, Uranus and Neptune's

Name the 3 dwart planets?

There are actually 5 dwarf planets

What big cats have 5 letters?

Tiger has 5 letters.

What has 4 letters never has 5 letters but sometimes has 7 letters?

What = 4 letters Never = 5 letters Sometimes = 9 letters I think the joke is you can't count.