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All of the other planets have an orbital path that is within six degrees of the ecliptic. The celestial object formerly known as planet Pluto had an orbit that was about 17 degrees off the plane.

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Q: What planets orbit the sun off the ecliptic plane?
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Is Pluto lost?

Pluto is not lost, its orbit is well understood and there are people who know exactly where it is on any given day. However Pluto has an orbit that is unusually eccentric, and is inclined by 17 degrees to the ecliptic. That means it is found well off the beaten track where the eight major planets can always be found, near the ecliptic.

How many degrees is the Moon's orbit tilted relative to the ecliptic?

The Moon's orbit is tilted at about 5 degrees relative to the ecliptic, which is the plane of Earth's orbit around the Sun. This tilt causes the Moon to move slightly north and south of the ecliptic as it orbits the Earth.

What is the belt off constellations through which all the planets move is called?

The ecliptic

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Eris is tilted at an angle of about 44 degrees to the ecliptic. Although it is considered a dwarf planet.

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The position varies but if you look online or buy a planisphere you will see all planets follow the ecliptic path but aren't on the exact path. The planets are actually slightly off the ecliptic.

Is the earths axis rotation almost parallel to the plane of its orbit?

No; it's about 23 degrees off the plane of its orbit.

Where are Saturn and venus compared to altair?

The star Altair stays in one place in the sky, but Venus and Saturn move on (or near) a circle called the ecliptic, like the other planets. But none of the planets goes close to Altair because it is well off the ecliptic.

Can planets fall off there orbit?

scientists are still discovering

Did any off our planets fall out of orbit?

No, there is no scientific evidence that this is even possible.

Why do solar eclipses not take place each month?

Because the plane of the moon's orbit is approximately 5 degrees off the ecliptic, meaning when the moon slips past the sun it either goes over it or under it. If the moon's orbit was on the same plane as the ecliptic, then we would have a solar eclipse every month.

The sun gives off heat and light to what?

Planets in the solar system which orbit the sun.

Why dont planets spin off into deep space?

Planets are held in orbit around stars by gravity. Their rotation is balanced by the gravitational pull of the star, so they remain in a stable orbit without spinning off into deep space. This gravitational force acts as a sort of "tether" that keeps the planets in place.